University of Manchester: Theatre in the Criminal Justice System: Celebrating Clean Break Theatre Company and TIPP

Theatre in the Criminal Justice System: Celebrating Clean Break Theatre Company and TIPP
Between them, Clean Break and TIPP have accrued 70 years worth of experience of arts practice in the criminal justice system. Taking place as part of an extended celebration of 40 years of Clean Break’s work, and coinciding with the 30th anniversary of TIPP’s prison theatre course for undergraduates, this event is of interest to anyone who wants to find out more about collaborative, socially-engaged and creative approaches to arts practice in prisons. Themes of longevity, survival and resilience in an ever-changing, challenging context for art and theatre practice were also explored.
The event took the form of short presentations from the present Artistic Directors of Clean Break and TIPP (and current co-Chairs of the national Criminal Justice Arts Alliance), Anna Herrmann and Simon Ruding. Anna and Simon gave a plotted history of their organisations, and this was followed by an open Q&A.
Clean Break is an award-winning theatre company set up in 1979 by two women prisoners who believed that theatre could bring the hidden stories of imprisoned women to a wider audience. Still the only women’s theatre company of its kind, Clean Break has remained true to these roots, and continues to inspire playwrights and captivate audiences with ground-breaking plays on the complex theme of women and crime. For over two decades, Clean Break delivered high-quality theatre-based courses, awarded qualifications and offered specialist support, all of which are critical for the rehabilitation of women with experience of the criminal justice system and women at risk of entering it. For more information, go to
TIPP Centre is committed to the idea that the participatory arts have the power to transform people’s lives for the better, and that the arts have a positive role to play at all levels of the Criminal Justice Sector. Their work is concerned with personal and social change in pursuit of a more just and equitable society and they seek to achieve these changes by providing people with a means to gain more control over their lives through participation in high quality, participatory arts programmes. Established in the Drama Department at the University of Manchester in 1991, TIPP became an independent charity in 1996 and has received funding from Arts Council England and Youth Music. For more information go to