Artists and companies working with women in criminal justice contexts
The list of artists and companies here is partial and reflects work which is primarily happening in English language contexts or has some written documentation which captures aspects of it. There are many individual artists who are working in institutions across the world who may not have an on-line presence which documents the work.
Bridging Boundaries Arts Intervention Programme, USA.
Clean Break, UK
The Unfinished Histories – Recording the History of Alternative Theatre, UK website includes documentation from Clean Break’s early days.
Donmar Shakespeare Trilogy, UK
Eve Ensler, What I Want My Words to Do to You: Voices from Inside a Women’s Maximum Security Prison (dir. J. Katz 2003).
Geese Theatre Company, UK
Keeping the Faith, USA
Only Connect, UK
Open Clasp, UK
Prison Creative Arts Project, Michigan, USA
Prison Partnership Project, Institute for Social Justice, York St John University, UK.
Somebody’s Daughter, Australia
Synergy Theatre Company, UK
Teatro Yeses, Spain.
The Medea Project, USA
The Stella Adler Studio Outreach Programme at the Rose M. Singer Centre for Women at Rikers Island Correctional Facility, USA
The team welcomes information about the work of artists and theatre companies working specifically with women in criminal justice contexts so we can update and extend this list.
Related Voluntary Organisations
National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance
Women’s Budget Group
Women in Prison